Symphony of Truth – Conference bundle

Conference Bundle – Contemplating the Divine Melody
Gain access to the exclusive members area with all interviews, videos, audios, recordings of our live sessions, ebooks, vouchers, extras, music and more, to deepen your contemplative journey.

33,00 199,00 

inkl. MwSt.

You get the conference bundle, including access to all videos, audios, extras, vouchers, ebooks, recordings of the live events, music and much more.


You get the conference bundle, including access to all videos, audios, extras, vouchers, ebooks, recordings of the live events, music and much more. The Venus price is my gift for those of you who want to go deeper with the transmission and the Symphony material but can’t afford the regular price. I trust you to choose this bundle if you need financial support for being able to access the members area.​


The Genius price is the regular price for the Symphony bundle and gives you access to everything that the speakers and myself are offering in the members area to create a beautiful bundle, which can be of service on your contemplative journey with the Gene Keys.


The Prosperity price is for you, if you want to go deeper with the transmission and the Symphony material in a group of fellow travelers. You get access to my Trinity* transit program which includes essential oils, music, poetry and much more, PLUS 1 live Zoom-session every month.

In choosing the Prosperity price, you also increase my donation amount for Reforest Ireland.